Alpha Toolkit

The Alpha Toolkit, available via subscription, is designed to assist drivers and mechanics/parents in their preparation for race days.


Driver Self Evaluation

A document that empowers drivers to reflect on self-belief of raw skills and systematically target key areas of development, promoting overall growth of the driver.

‘Practise how you race, race how you practise’.


Mechanic’s Checklist

The companion for every parent/mechanic to ensure nothing is overlooked. This very comprehensive checklist also includes a ‘pre-race’ and ‘post-race’ procedure and is a must have at your next race event.


Track Attack Plans

To be used as driver preparation, these plans break down each racetrack into smaller, actionable steps to promote consistency and prior awareness. We have plans for all of the tracks on the Australian Kart Championship (AKC) circuit and major race meetings.


Kart Setup Tracker

A digital record of kart set-up at various events and in various conditions to allow quick and easy access to prior set ups.


*Requires member access (subscribe below)


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